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"Watch" by Steff Sirois

Two meaty hands squeezed Kai’s shoulders from behind, guiding her every step. Fingers dug into the base of her neck, pressing with such a...

Samantha DeMarco

"Llama Life" "North American Bison" "Caterpillar"-2nd Place Judge Selection "Pretty Kitty"-3rd Place Judge Selection "Juniper Bunny"

William Aliou

"Burnside Resort"(cover/header)-Editor's Choice "Stoop Kid"-1st Place Judge Selection From the Artist: Burnside Resort - "This photograph...

"Blood Moon" by Kat Lee

1st Place Judge Selection The glowing green letters on the alarm clock next to me read 2:48 am and I’m pinned down by Max’s weight on my...

"Wild Card" by Belinda Bartley

Dad told us to keep going without him, to flag someone down from the church instead. Mrs. Norton was piling the leftovers of her mini...

"READ ME" by Karlyn Jackson

10/10/2017 Dear Aubrey, Hey. It’s Simone. If you’re reading this, I guess I’m dead. As of writing this, I’m packing everything up to go...

"Strip Mine" by Mari Spallone

3rd Place Judge Selection They had agreed to meet that morning in the parking lot of a diner on the outskirts of Lancaster, next to a...

"The Harvest" by Miranda Kross

2nd Place Judge Selection No one noticed when the Harvest began. The nearly microscopic mites moved in swift silence inside the...

"Hunting" by Genevieve Jaser

1st Place Judge Selection Like a great gazelle had been shot to the ground, I imagine the shape of his body like this belongs anywhere...

"X-ray" by Nina Bartlomiejczyk

2nd Place Judge Selection Am I a speck of dust irritating the corner of your eyelid? Well, now you have rubbed me, and your eyes have...

"My Parcel" by Christopher Buckridge

With frostbit extremities and my neck craned, I watch the arborous fireworks of barren winter oaks vein a crackling black sky. Stars like...

"Nothing New" by Maria Barresi

It wasn’t like heaven or nirvana. It wasn’t like Christmas or a birthday. It wasn’t like good or great. It wasn’t like wonderful or...

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