Everybody twisted their face at me
When I told them my dad was an orange.
The first day the school counselor
Called home, Mom left me at the kitchen counter,
Eating Frosted Flakes while Dad sat right beside me.
I could hear her whisper through the door
Until she came out and patted me on the head.
The school counselor stopped calling after
That day, but Ronnie and TJ kept saying
If it looks like an orange,
Smells like an orange,
It’s an orange,
Until my face would get hot and red,
So I would bite their arms to make
Them feel like I do– something dad would have
Yelled at me for before he was an orange.
One-day Mom accidently buried
Dad under a sandwich in my lunch box.
He was stuck there until snack time.
When I told her about it after school
She cried
And cried and
I asked why, but she just said
sorry about that.
I don’t think she was used to him
Being an orange.
Sometimes I wished Dad wasn’t
An orange. He got softer by the
Day and I caught Mom pealing
Black spots from him.
Eventually she couldn’t keep
Up and Dad turned
Furry and green.
We buried him
In the backyard
The next day and
I cried and
Cried and