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"X-ray" by Nina Bartlomiejczyk

2nd Place Judge Selection

Am I a speck of dust irritating the corner of your eyelid?

Well, now you have rubbed me, and your eyes have gone bloodshot.

I think of it now, and I think of it fast on the highway,

and it tastes like bitter tears in my mouth.

The image of you I kept in the locket of my bulbous heart

is coming to fade further each day,

and I realize that the things I saw broken inside of me

were just hairline fractures you crushed into splinters.

How many x-rays will it take to show you my bones are brittle?

Think first before you throw me down to roughhouse

on the carpeted floors, cracking my ribs,

rubbing rugburns into my breasts.

Tell me,

do they still look as good to you?


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